Exciting Administrative Changes In Ghana's Industrial Property Office

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ENS is an independent law firm with over 200 years of experience. The firm has over 600 practitioners in 14 offices on the continent, in Ghana, Mauritius, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda.

At a recent stakeholder workshop organised by the Ghana Industrial Property Office ("GHIPO"), the governmental agency which manages and promotes intellectual property rights in Ghana.

Ghana Intellectual Property

Photo of Patricia Jane Mumuni

Photo of Essie Anno

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At a recent stakeholder workshop organised by the Ghana Industrial Property Office ("GHIPO"), the governmental agency which manages and promotes intellectual property rights in Ghana, several upcoming changes to its administrative system were announced. The changes are aimed at modernising and enhancing efficiency in trade mark registration and enforcement processes.

Some of the key changes are highlighted below:

  1. The most anticipated change is the introduction of an online system for the registration of trade marks. This digital system would enable trade mark applicants and agents to file, pay for and manage trade mark applications online. Expected to launch in July 2024, it promises to revolutionise the application experience in Ghana.
  2. In addition to the digital transition, GHIPO hinted at the possibility of introducing a fee structure for trade mark applications where the goods and services of the trade mark exceed one page. This potential change underscores GHIPO's commitment to managing trademark filings effectively.
  3. From July 2024, GHIPO intends to adopt a more stringent approach to enforcing the current trade mark laws in Ghana. This is to avoid any abuse of process by trade mark applicants and/or agents, to ensure efficiency and fairness in the trade mark application process. Therefore, certain practices would no longer be permitted by GHIPO.

Below are some examples:

These proposed changes, if effectively implemented, are poised to simplify and expedite trademark applications, fostering a more efficient and transparent trademark ecosystem in Ghana. As stakeholders await these reforms, anticipation is high for a smoother and more accessible intellectual property registration and enforcement framework in the country.

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