Consulate of Brazil in New York

Diplomatic representation of Brazil. Information on consular services of the Consulate of Brazil in New York. On this website you will find general information about the Consulate of Brazil in New York.

Contact details of the Brazil Consulate in New York


Brazilian Consulate General in New York, United States - 225 East 41st Street (between 2nd and 3rd Ave.) - New York, NY 10017 - United States

Telephone Number:

Fax Number:




Ana Lucy Gentil Cabral Petersen - Consul General

Office Hours:

New York is the most populous city of the US state of New York.

Many consulates in New York provide a wide range of consular services to New York citizens as well as foreigners located or visiting New York for tourist purposes or business activities.

When you are in New York and in need of consular assistance from the Brazil consulate you should contact them directly.

Assistance by the Brazil Consulate in New York

Consulates located in New York - In the United States a single Embassy of foreign (or guest) countries is not large enough to handle all the essential services countrywide provided by an Embassy. Hence, the need for smaller, regionally located branches, which are called Consulates, enabling local residents and guest country nationals diplomatic assistance at local level. A New York Consulate can be likened to branch offices or satellites of the foreign country's Embassies themselves, which, typically, are located in Washington DC. A New York Consulate would usually be headed by an ex-patriate national and frequently engaging local staff.

Assistance by a New York consulate - As well as firstly promoting the interests and image of the representing country, a New York Consulate would usually offer the majority of services provided by their parent Embassy in Washington, but at local levels for convenience, often giving more rapid service, such as in the provision of new and replacement passports, issuing of visas, together with all aspects of other general consular services available to New York citizens. For all consular matters and for additional consulate information please contact the New York consulate office directly either by email or phone.